On January 1st, 2025, a devastating attack shocked the nation as a joyous New Year’s celebration in New Orleans turned into a scene of horror. A vehicle plowed into revelers in what authorities have confirmed was a planned attack. The driver then opened fire, only to be stopped through the swift and heroic actions of …
Gretna Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
If you or someone you care about has been injured due to a negligent or reckless driver, our team of pedestrian accident injury lawyers in Gretna are here to help. Drivers who cause severe injuries to pedestrians can be held accountable, much like in a car accident. We will evaluate your legal options and guide …
Who Is at Fault when a Car Hits a Pedestrian?
Motorists have a lot of responsibility when it comes to protecting pedestrians, cyclists, and others sharing the roadways. For this reason, the driver is often at fault when a car hits a pedestrian, rather than the person traveling on foot. However, this is not always true, as pedestrians are also required to follow certain road …
What Is the Average Pedestrian Accident Lawsuit Timeline ?
The average pedestrian accident lawsuit timeline is impossible to determine. Every accident is unique and requires a different approach to resolve issues of liability and damages. The length of your lawsuit depends on these interconnected factors: How soon after the accident that you file your claim If there is any confusion about who caused the …
What Can I Do If My Child Was Injured in a Pedestrian Accident?
Can a Pedestrian Hit By a Car Get Compensation?
What Are the Main Causes of Pedestrian Accidents?
The main causes of pedestrian accidents focus on careless or reckless actions on the driver’s part. Motorists have a duty to be aware of those on foot who share the roads. In most cases, the driver is at fault in these collisions, usually because they were driving distracted, speeding, or violated another traffic law. Arizona, …
What Happens If a Pedestrian Caused an Accident?
If a pedestrian caused an accident, they might need to rely on their medical insurance or other resources to pay for their treatment instead of holding the motorist liable. While the liability in these cases usually falls on the driver who has a higher duty of care than a pedestrian, there are times when these …
How Can Pedestrians Avoid Accidents?
There are many steps to take to help pedestrians avoid accidents, including following all rules and recommendations, focusing when crossing streets, and sharing roads safely. While taking precautions may not prevent every pedestrian versus car collision, it may prevent you or your loved one from suffering serious injuries or passing away. Pedestrians hit by motor …
Where do Most Pedestrian Accidents Occur?
When and where most pedestrian accidents occur is in cities, in streets outside of intersections, and at night. Other areas where these accidents are more likely include parking lots and on private property, such as in driveways. Pedestrians may also suffer injuries when a driver ignores traffic signals and causes an intersection collision. Knowing where …