Car insurance serves as a crucial method of protection for all road users, but many people fail to understand how it can benefit them if they cause an accident or are innocent. Car accidents can be traumatic events, and they also tend to be costly. Aside from expensive property damage, many people who sustain injuries …
4 Ways to Identify a Potentially Valid Car Accident Claim
Most people who initiate civil lawsuits are seeking damages from a negligent party for injuries, financial harm, or property damage. Car accident claims often stem from injuries that a negligent driver caused, and in many cases, the injured party is simply looking to receive compensation for expenses related to the accident. The nature and value …
Should I Buy Flood Insurance for My House?
According to FEMA, floods are the number one natural disaster in the United States every year. Living in Louisiana, this comes as no surprise. Many people believe that flood insurance is unavailable or too expensive to carry, but that is just one of many misconceptions. It is also important to understand what is and what …
FEMA Federal Disaster Declarations in 2012 (Infographic)
How does FEMA Respond to a Natural Disaster? There are many different kinds of disaster types such as tornadoes, hurricanes, flooding, severe winter storms, and ice storms. When a disaster is declared it is the local government’s job to respond first with emergency services. The governor can request federal resources be mobilized through the U.S. Department …
Auto Insurance: What Coverage do I Need?
Have you ever reviewed your automobile insurance policy and wondered what your insurance will cover if you’re involved in a car accident? For many of us, deciding what insurance is the right insurance for our needs can be a difficult process. Understanding the various coverage options available is necessary to make the right decision. An …
Car Insurance Company Myths
Are You on Facebook? So Is Your Insurance Adjuster
Most of my clients have at least one social networking account such as a Facebook page or Twitter handle. While these social networking sites are a great way to stay connected to friends and family and catch up on current events, they are also an excellent way for insurance companies to learn things about you …