Workplace injuries have far-reaching effects. In addition to the immediate pain, victims may not be able to earn an income for several weeks or months after their accidents. Some can never return to work, and they face exorbitant health-care bills. When people die while performing job-related duties, their families may face insurmountable debt.
Unfortunately, these scenarios are more common than many people assume. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 4,679 workers died on the job in 2014 alone.
If you were injured on the job, then you may be able to avoid overwhelming debt by filing a workers’ compensation claim. However, this process can be legally complex. Sometimes employers argue that workers are not entitled to benefits; other times, insurance companies deny claims.
If you need help with the claims process, or if your workers’ compensation claim was denied, contact Morris Bart, LTD. A Gulfport accident lawyer can evaluate your injuries and guide you through the claims process. If a loved one died in a work-related accident, an Alabama wrongful death attorney can help you seek justice.
Read on to learn more about the workers’ compensation claims process in Mississippi:
Was the Injury Work Related?
In order for your claim to be successful, the injury must have happened while you were performing a task on behalf of your employer or in the course of your employment. Most work-related injuries occur in the workplace, but this is not always the case. For example, truck drivers may sustain injuries several miles away from their employers’ headquarters. Even if the injury happens outside of the workplace, the victim may still be entitled to benefits if he or she was performing a job-related duty.
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Qualifying Injuries Can Vary Widely
According to the Department of Industrial Relations, workers’ compensation covers a wide array of injuries. Some victims sustain immediate injuries due to one occurrence at work; others gradually develop health conditions due to their work environment.
Examples of work-related injuries include respiratory problems due to poor air quality in a factory, carpel tunnel syndrome from too much typing, and loss of hearing due to loud noises on a worksite. Workers’ compensation may also cover psychological and stress-related issues that stem from an occupation.
How to Respond to a Workplace Injury
If you sustain an injury at work, your top priority is to seek medical attention. If possible, you should notify your employer in writing immediately. Keep a copy of this notification for your records. Then, discuss your case with an accident lawyer.
If your work-related injury happened in Mississippi, contact a Gulfport injury attorney from Morris Bart, LTD. We will evaluate your case and guide you through the claims process.
Our firm has more than 50 attorneys and a support staff of 100 law professionals. We have been representing the injured for more than 30 years. Call 800-537-8185 to schedule a free initial consultation.
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