The Louisiana Legislature wrapped up their 2018 in May, allowing Governor John Bel Edwards to sign many bills into law. Effective August 1, 2018,here are someof the changes to Louisiana laws that you may notice.
Blue Lights on Ambulances
Act 247allows all licensed ambulances, not just those that are publicly-owned, to operate with flashing blue lights. While you may begin seeing ambulances with blue lights on the roadway now, those blue lights must be on the back of the vehicle and they can only make up 50% of the total visible lights.
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Mobility Impaired Tags Renewal Period
Drivers holding mobility impaired (handicap) tags previously had to renew those tags every four years. However, thanks toAct 240, these hang tags can now be renewed for ten years, drastically cutting down on the hassle required to legally park in spots designated for those with mobility impairments.
Waiting Period to Perform Marriage Ceremonies
If you really need someone to perform a marriage ceremony, you have the option of asking a friend to do it, and he or she can get ordained online. In the past, your newly-ordained minister would still have to wait 72 hours after completing the online process before performing the ceremony. But now that Act 276 has been signed into law, that waiting period has been cut to only 24 hours.
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Expanded Protections for Victims of Database Breaches
Following the lead of several other US states, Louisiana has now expanded protections for consumers whose personal information is stored in commercial databases. Act 382 broadens the definition of protected personal information beyond the typical account and social security numbers to include “biometric data” such as fingerprints, voice prints, and eye retina or iris scans, among other identifying biological characteristics.
Furthermore, if a business’s database of personal information is breached, they now have a strict limit of 60 days to notify the relevant authorities and failure to do so will be considered an unfair trade practice against consumers under Louisiana law.
Farm Vehicles Operating on Public Roadways
Drivers on public roads around sunrise and sundown may be slowed down less often by farm vehicles, thanks to Act 223. While these vehicles used to be able to operate on the roadways 30 minutes before sunrise until 30 minutes after sunset, this new law removes the half hour “buffer period” and only allows these vehicles on the road without a permit from sunset to sundown.
Driver Training on Traffic Stops
Although this law has been in effect since January 1, 2018, not all drivers may be aware of it because it only affects new motorists. Starting in 2018, teenagers going through driver education courses must now be taught how to conduct themselves during a traffic stop by law enforcement.
Although this new requirement will not add any extra time to the driver education course, lawmakers hope that it will make traffic stops easier for both motorists and law enforcement officers.
Morris Bart Attorneys Can Help
Staying up to date on changing laws is an important part of being a responsible driver. If you believe that a legal violation contributed to an auto accident, having an attorney who follows the changes to Louisiana driving laws can be critically important. Morris Bart Personal Injury Attorneys have decades of experience dealing with the complexities of insurance claims and all types of accidents.
If you’ve been involved in an accident, call Morris Bart for a free consultation. We’re available 24/7, and we’d like to help you get the money you may deserve.
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