Communication Is a Two Way Street
One of the most common complaints we hear from our clients who have come to us after having left other law firms is, “My attorney never called me and never answered the phone when I called.”
An attorney’s lack of communication can, of course, be a hindrance to the successful completion of a case, but what a client may not also be aware of is that this works both ways.
Top Tips for Communicating with Your Personal Inury Attorney
Below I have compiled a list of things you can do as a client to ensure that your case progresses smoothly:
Tip #1: Make Sure that Your Attorney Always Has a Way of Reaching You Quickly
This means that you must tell your attorney if your number changes or gets disconnected. Always provide them with the phone number of a relative or close friend who can get a hold of you if necessary. Similarly, it’s important that your attorney always have a current address for you on file.
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Tip #2: Let Your Attorney Know if You Are Going Out of Town for Any Extended Period of Time
The same goes for your treating physician. Sometimes your doctor may assume you have decided to stop treating when you go missing for long periods of time and will discharge you from their care. It is much better for them to know in advance that you will be missing some visits and the reason why so that they can note this in their records and advise you accordingly.
Tip #3: Keep Your Attorney Abreast of Any Major Life Changes
You get divorced, you file for bankruptcy, you file for disability benefits, or you begin receiving Medicare benefits. These are all examples of things your attorney needs to know so that he or she can advise you as to how it will affect your case.
It is essential to your case that your attorney know as much about your health, criminal background, family status and other legal matters as possible so that he or she can ensure that any potential setbacks to your case be handled properly. If possible, tell your attorney before you make any life-altering decisions so that they can prevent your claim from being diminished or damaged in any way.
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Tip #4: Tell Your Attorney if You Have Another Accident of Any Kind
If you are involved in another car accident, even if you weren’t injured in it, it’s important that your attorney know about it. Don’t worry, just because you were in another accident doesn’t mean your first claim is a lost cause, but in order for your attorney to get you compensated fully for your pain and suffering he or she must know about any prior or subsequent accidents. For the same reasons, your attorney must also know if you are injured in any way by any other type of accident, no matter how minor (even falling in your shower).
Tip #5: Honesty Is the Best Policy
If you think there’s something your attorney might need to know then call them up and tell them! Remember that almost anything you tell your attorney must be kept confidential so you have nothing to lose by telling them, but the same cannot be said for anything you may fail to tell them.
— Ashleigh Bergeron
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