It is not uncommon for our team to receive questions about insurance coverage and rights for undocumented immigrants in the Gulf South. The bottom line is everyone should have the opportunity to purchase auto liability insurance coverage regardless of their immigration status.
You also have a right to recover from an at-fault driver regardless of your legal status. If you are driving a vehicle with valid insurance and are in an accident that is not your fault, you have the right to recover for any injuries and damages you sustain as a result of that accident. This is true in fault-based accident states regardless of your immigration status.
What do I Need to Know about Filing a Claim as an Undocumented Immigrant?
Many people are scared to come forward and seek compensation for their injuries because they believe they have no rights based on being undocumented. This is not correct. The insurance companies are required to pay for any damages regardless of your immigration status. If the insurance company tries to deny payment on that basis, they could be liable for additional damages for bad faith.
Additionally, there is no reporting requirement for either the attorney or the insurance company. That does not mean they will never report someone they believe to be an undocumented immigrant, but it is unlikely. As such, if you are in an accident, contact an attorney to discuss your rights and get help in this challenging time. They can offer advice, guidance, and representation. In addition, everything you tell them is confidential.
Your immigration status should not affect your claim or injury lawsuit if that becomes necessary. Your attorney will be able to set your mind at ease about your situation. In many cases, the claimant has no contact with the insurer. Their attorney manages all communication and represents their best interests during settlement negotiations. In addition, we have multilingual staff to help you better understand your case.
En Español
Usted tiene el derecho de recuperar su seguro con la agencia de seguros por cualquier daño que ha sufrido, sea usted documentado o no. Si usted conduce un vehículo asegurado y estuvo en un accidente sin ser culpado, tiene el derecho de recuperar dinero por los daños de su propiedad asi como daños personales sin considerar su estado de migrante. Muchas personas creen que no tienen derechos, pero están equivocados.
Las compañías de seguros tienen la obligacion de pagar por el daño que sufrió. Si no pagan por ser indocumentado, es posible que tengan que pagar más dinero por no cumplir con la ley. Tambien las compañias de seguro y los abogados no estan obligados de reportar con la inmigracion. Eso no aseguara que no van a reportarlo, pero es muy probable que no lo hagan. Por eso, si usted tiene un accidente, llame a un abogado para discutir sus derechos y obtener ayuda en este tiempo dificíl.
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An Attorney Can Help With Your Insurance Claim or Civil Suit
If another driver’s carelessness or reckless driving caused your accident, you should not be afraid to step up and demand compensation for:
- Your current expenses
- Your future costs and losses
- Your intangible damages
You should not have to pay for your medical bills, car repairs, missed work, and other costs caused by an accident you did not cause. Our lawyers firmly believe this is true regardless of your race, sex, country of origin, immigration status, or other protected statuses. We defend our clients’ rights to get a fair and appropriate payout based on the facts of their accident case.
When our team represents a client, we:
- Take over all communication with other involved parties
- Investigate what happened and who caused it
- Identify the liable parties and analyze their insurance coverage
- Gather evidence to support the claim
- Value the recoverable damages suffered by our client
- File their claim and demand a fair payout
- Negotiate with the insurer
- Seek justice for the client through an appropriate cash settlement
- Sue the at-fault party if settlement negotiations fail
- Represent their best interests throughout the process
You Can Receive a Free Consultation
Most personal injury law firms provide free initial case consultations. These discussions about the crash, injuries, and possible legal action can help you better understand if you are ready to move forward with a claim or lawsuit. These conversations are no-obligation and completely confidential.
Car accident attorneys represent clients based on contingency fees. They do not charge upfront. You will not owe anything until your case resolves. If you receive a settlement or award, the attorney will receive a portion. If not, you pay no attorney’s fees.
Let Morris Bart, LLC, Handle Your Auto Insurance Issue or Claim
If you or someone you know is an immigrant and has been rejected for accident injury coverage, the Morris Bart law office’s personal injury attorneys can help with your case. We can also develop cases and file claims for immigrants injured in traffic accidents in our service area. We have 15 locations and provide representation in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Make the call today! Reach us at (800) 537-8185.
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