Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that nursing home abuse has become alarmingly common in the United States. Nearly 10 percent of people aged 60 years and older who live in retirement homes suffer some form of neglect, abuse or exploitation.
Although nursing home abuse is commonly associated with unnecessary force and restraint, residents are also vulnerable to sexual abuse from caregivers. If you or your family member was sexually assaulted in a retirement home, it is critical that you take immediate legal action.
The at-fault staff member not only should face criminal charges, but you may also be able to file a personal-injury lawsuit and recover compensation. If the incident happened in Louisiana, contact Morris Bart, LLC. An Alexandria personal-injury attorney will evaluate your case to determine if you have grounds for a claim. Our legal team has been representing the injured for more than 30 years, and we know how to find success in court.
Call 800-537-8185 to schedule a free consultation.
Where does Sexual Abuse Occur?
Although family members are often perpetrators of this heinous crime, sexual abuse is deplorably common in nursing homes. In fact, according to the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, a Virginia study indicated that 70.7 percent of sexual abuse cases substantiated by
Adult Protective Services workers happened in nursing homes. Some people are more at risk of sexual abuse than others. According to the National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities, people with disabilities are more vulnerable than residents who are not physically or mentally disabled.
For a free legal consultation, call 800-537-8185
What Are the Signs of Elder Sexual Abuse?
Elder sexual abuse is often difficult to identify, and many victims do not report the abuse due to fear of retaliation. The following are signs that an elder nursing home resident is a victim of sexual abuse:
- Sexually transmitted diseases;
- Unexplained pelvic injuries;
- Difficulty walking or sitting down;
- Bruises, especially around thighs and genital area;
- Genital pain or bleeding;
- Bloody undergarments;
- Agitation;
- Social withdrawal;
- Symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and anxiety; and
- Suicide attempts.
How to Report Sexual Abuse in Nursing Homes
If you suspect that an elderly nursing home resident was a victim sexual abuse, contact the police immediately. You should also contact an injury attorney.
An Alexandria personal-injury lawyer from Morris Bart, LLC will evaluate your case, interview residents and staff members, gather evidence and pursue the maximum compensation from the at-fault parties. There is no excuse for abuse at nursing homes – and sexual assault is a particularly heinous crime.
An injury attorney from Morris Bart, LLC will help you pursue justice and claim compensation from the liable nursing home facility or staff member. Our firm has more than 50 attorneys and a support staff of 100 law professionals, and we will give your case the individual attention that it deserves.
Call 800-537-8185 to schedule a free initial consultation.
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