Today, video cameras are everywhere. At any time during the day, you could easily find yourself on a video somewhere. It does not matter whether you are driving down the road, shopping in a store, or walking down the sidewalk.
In the event of an accident, you may want to know how all these cameras surrounding you can be of benefit to you. If you are curious about how to access traffic camera footage in Louisiana, you should know that it is often difficult to do. Although public views are available, it isn’t easy to request specific camera footage when you are trying to get it for yourself.
This is where a solid legal team like Morris Bart can help. We can help you find out whether those cameras can help you and your loved ones prove your case or not.
Can a Traffic Camera Help Your Case?
One of the best things you can do after a car accident is to document the accident as soon as possible. Preferably while the memory is still fresh in your mind. Some of the main details that you will need to make a note of will include:
- Date and time of the incident
- Approximate location
- Which direction you or the other driver was traveling
- Details about the accident (as much as you can remember about it)
- Any other information you feel played a part in the incident (weather conditions, visibility, who had right of way, the average speed you were traveling, etc.)
- Names, addresses, phone numbers, and insurance providers of anyone else that was involved in the incident
- Photographs, only if you can do it safely and are not injured, such as accident photos, car damages, other driver’s tag numbers
There is no way to deny that a traffic camera can help your case. It can make it easier for you to remember the details and make notes of them. However, using traffic videos can also be a little tricky.
Red Light Cameras
In Louisiana, there are red-light cameras at many intersections and major roadways may also have them. The problem is these cameras may not always be on and actively recording. You should look around after an accident to see if you can find a traffic camera.
This will be the starting point for trying to gain access to it. If there are cameras available, you will want to request access to it as soon as possible. Often camera recordings are wiped or recorded over within 24-72 hours.
The best person for this is a personal injury attorney if there has been an accident or incident. The camera recordings can prove your innocence, but they aren’t usually available to just anyone who requests access. For other types of incidents or possible traffic violations, you can also turn to a lawyer for help to access the video. However, in as much as it can prove innocence, there is a chance it can also prove your fault.
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Don’t Forget Other Cameras that May Be on the Scene
Although traffic cameras are where most of us look first, it really does not matter where the video footage comes from. The whole idea is to collect real-time proof that can show how the traffic incident took place.
Traffic conditions, exact time, and the circumstances around the incident can all be revealed through video recording devices. Some camera options to consider when discovering how to access traffic camera footage in Louisiana will include:
Business Cameras
Most businesses today have cameras inside. Often, these cameras are pointed at a doorway or window. Just because you weren’t in the store or restaurant doesn’t mean the camera didn’t see you. Therefore, if you pass by any businesses at the time of the incident, you should contact them to see if you can view what was on the video.
Home Cameras
In residential areas, you may still be captured on video since many homeowners have door cameras. Although it may be intimidating for you to ask homeowners about their video cameras, it can be rewarding. It can prove what really happened to you on the road in front of their home.
Dash Cams
Everything from buses to personal vehicles has dash cams installed. Chances are good, if you were in an accident, witnesses to it may have video footage on their dash cams. Use this to your advantage and ask those who stopped to offer support.
If you also have a dashcam that was turned on at the time of the incident, you can use it as well. You should do this only if you feel that you were innocent of wrongdoing.
The key is to never show anything that can be incriminating to yourself without a lawyer’s advice. They can be there to analyze other circumstances of the incident.
When to Seek Legal Aid to Access Traffic Camera Footage in Louisiana
It can be virtually impossible to get access to all possible video cameras and recordings unless you have a good reason. Trying to get the information on your own, can be a big mistake. Legal counsel can help you by:
- Finding locations of traffic cameras, businesses, and others who may have captured the incident on video
- Contact individuals to get the videos for you. Legal counsel can also complete forms and gather the information that must be processed properly to use it as evidence in your case
- Ensure that the video evidence is going to support your claims and preserve your innocence before using it as evidence
- Properly store, send, and use the video files to help you prove your claims of what happened during the incident or accident
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We Are Here to Help You Prove Your Case
The law offices of Morris Bart are proud to serve several areas in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas. Whether you need legal advice or someone to stand beside you through difficult times, we are here to serve you. We know how to access traffic camera footage in Louisiana, and can help you put it to good use.
Our practice areas include auto accidents, personal injuries, and class action cases. We provide free case evaluations to all who need our help and advice. All you need to do is contact us online or by phone any time of the day or night.
Questions?Call 800-537-8185
to find a Morris Bart office near you.