Workplace injuries can affect your career, relationships and quality of life. An unexpected accident can threaten your family’s financial security.
Unfortunately, workplace injuries and fatalities are more common than many people realize. According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 4,679 workers died on the job in 2014, which translates to approximately 13 deaths per day.
If you sustained an injury while at work, you may be able to recover compensation for your medical bills and lost income. If the accident happened in Louisiana, contact Morris Bart, LLC.
An Alexandria injury attorney can evaluate your case, gather evidence, talk to witnesses and guide you through the claims process. Call 800-537-8185 to schedule a free consultation.
Until then, read on to learn about the most common types of workplace injuries in Louisiana:
Falling from Heights
These accidents are particularly common on constructions sites, but they can happen in most professions. Workers must be vigilant on ladders, stairways and scaffolding.
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Tripping and Slipping
According to that National Floor Safety Institute, slips and falls cause more workers’ compensation claims than any other factor for people older than 55. They also cause more days off work than any other job-related injury.
According to the National Safety Council, overexertion injuries are leading causes of non-fatal injuries, and the second leading cause of missing work. Overexertion is common in occupations that involve heavy lifting, pulling, pushing or carrying.
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Injuries from Falling Objects
Falling object injuries are also common on construction sites. However, office workers can sustain these injuries when objects fall from shelves.
Repetitive Motion Injuries
Jobs that require workers to perform repetitive motions often cause injuries that gradually develop over time. The consequences of these injuries may not be immediately apparent, but they can have a cumulative effect in the long-run.
Violent Acts
Some work environments are stressful and tense. Conflicts between workers can results in physical altercations and severe injuries.
Heavy Machinery
In factory or warehouse environments, machinery can trap or crush workers. If the machinery does not have suitable instructions, warnings or safety equipment, the victim may be able to claim compensation for damages.
What Benefits Might I Receive from Workers’ Compensation?
If you sustained an illness or injury while performing a job-related duty, then you may be entitled to workers’ compensation. Your benefits might cover a portion of your wages and rehabilitation. If a person dies, then his or her family may receive benefits.
What if My Workers’ Compensation Claim Was Denied?
If your claim was denied, you can file a Disputed Claim for Compensation, Form LWC-WC 1008 (PDF). The process may take six to nine months.
If you were injured on the job, a personal-injury lawyer can help you avoid mistakes during the claims process. A Louisiana workers’ compensation attorney from Morris Bart, LLC can evaluate your case and represent your interests. Call 800-537-8185 to schedule a free consultation.
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