Imagine waking up one morning and feeling great about the day ahead. You get dressed quickly, eat your favorite breakfast, and head to work whistling. You’re excited because for once, you’re finally on schedule to get to work on time. While driving along the streets admiring the scenery, you’re suddenly caught off guard by a truck that smashes right into the side of your car.
As soon as you verify that you’re still alive your first thought is “Why do accidents happen?” Suddenly, your morning is turned upside down and your attempt to be on time is now useless. You’re now disheveled and frantically wondering how you could have dodged this debacle.
Sounds scary? We agree, and unfortunately similar scenarios like this happen all the time.
What is the most common cause of a car accident? It’s difficult to say, especially considering that several factors can contribute to a wreck happening. Car accident statistics show that wrecks are usually unexpected, but that does not mean drivers can’t take preventative measures to reduce the risk of getting in a collision. If you drive on a regular basis, it is important to be aware of the most common causes of car accidents in order to avoid becoming a victim. Check out the top three car wreck causes below.
How Are Most Car Accidents Caused?
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Tired drivers make mistakes and account for a significant portion of serious accidents across the United States each year. Fatigue is one of the leading causes of car accidents as tired or drowsy drivers cause more than 100,000 accidents around the country annually. Most car crashes at night happen between midnight and early morning with the next most common time being midday.
Drowsy drivers tend to have a difficult time remaining in their lanes, and traffic accident reports show that driving while fatigued presents many of the same challenges as driving while inebriated.
Distracted Drivers
Cars are full of distractions, and distracted drivers cause up to 50 percent of car crashes in the United States. According to the NHTSA, it is not only smartphones that distract drivers. In fact, only 2.9% of crashes were the result of cell phone distraction (according to the most recent data from 2017).
Other passengers, car entertainment systems, passing vehicles and outside scenery all play a role in crashes caused by distracted driving. Many motorists are unaware that a distracted driving crash can happen in a matter of seconds.
Because of the many ways distracted driving accidents can happen, these crashes also cause some of the most common car accident injuries such as whiplash, soft tissue damage, and herniations.
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It’s difficult to say what causes car accidents the most, but alcohol still plays a significant role in car crashes across the country. According to the NHTSA’s data from 2017, more than 10,000 people die in alcohol-related accidents each year. Drunk driving crashes, which are often tragic, are the most preventable kind because intoxicated drivers make the conscious decision to get behind the wheel.
Plain and simple, if you intend to consume alcohol find a designated driver or use public transportation.
Have You or Someone You Love Been Injured in a Car Accident?
If you were injured in an accident, contact us for a free case evaluation. We will work with you on a contingency-fee basis to gather this evidence and prove your case. Car accident statute of limitations vary from state to state so it is important you understand your rights. You may be eligible to file a claim for medical costs, emotional distress and further damages.
Fill out our free case evaluation form to see if you are eligible for a claim. An experienced accident attorney at Morris Bart will assist you in the evaluation process. Initial consultations are free. We have office locations throughout Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Arkansas. Call us at 1-800-537-8185 today.
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