If you are a teenage driver who was injured in a crash caused by another party’s negligence, or if you are a parent of a teenager injured in such an accident, a Shreveport teen driving accident attorney from the Morris Bart law firm can help you. We may be able to pursue compensation for any physical, financial, and psychological losses you suffered in your accident.
The Morris Bart law firm handles insurance claims, settlement negotiations, and personal injury lawsuits for our clients. For more information about how we can help fight for your right to compensation, contact us today to receive your free consultation. We handle many cases on a contingency-fee-basis with no up-front payment required.
Potentially Recoverable Damages for Teen Driving Accident Victims
Louisiana law allows accident victims to recover compensatory damages. Compensatory damages require the offender to compensate you for their negligent actions. This may include physical, financial, and psychological losses you suffered from your car accident.
Examples of compensatory damages can include, but may not be limited to:
- Medical costs: such as rehabilitation programs, surgeries, hospitalizations, and more. This can also include the estimated future costs of all medical treatment.
- Lost wages: including both the value of the time you were unable to work during your recovery period, as well as decreased earning capacity, if the accident permanently alters your ability to earn a living.
- Property damage: which can include vehicles, electronics, and other valuables.
- Permanent disabilities or disfigurements:potentially affecting you both mentally and physically.
- Mental anguish: This may also extend to a mental illness or psychological condition resulting from the accident.
The second category of damages, called punitive damages, is meant to serve as a form of punishment for dangerous behavior. Although rare, a judge may award punitive damages in cases where the offender displayed exceptionally reckless misconduct.
For a free legal consultation with a Teen Driving Accident lawyer serving Shreveport, call (318) 553-5470
Understanding Comparative Fault in Louisiana
Louisiana uses a system of a comparative fault for personal injury cases. In accordance with the Louisiana Civil Code (CC) §2323, injury victims can have their settlements reduced if they are found to be partially responsible for their accident. The amount of fault for which you are liable will be converted into a percentage, which may then be reduced from any potential settlements.
For example, if you are deemed to be 30% responsible for your accident, and you receive a settlement for $10,000, your settlement may be reduced to $7,000.
Your Shreveport car accident lawyer can collect evidence of the responsible party’s liability when we represent you.
Liability Insurance Requirements for Teen Drivers
According to the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI), all drivers are required to carry liability coverage on their vehicles.
These policies are as follows:
- $15,000 is required for the bodily injury of one person
- $30,000 is mandated in single accidents where two or more people are injured
- $25,000 is needed in the event of an accident that causes property damage
However, these insurance policies do not place definitive limits on the damages you may be able to receive. If you decide to retain a Shreveport teen driving accident attorney at the Morris Bart law firm, our attorneys will work to document all the suffering you have endured.
By cataloging these economic and non-economic losses, we can assign an accurate value to your case. Our attorneys can then fight for compensation on your behalf during any ensuing legal proceedings, whether that involves insurance claims, lawsuits, or other forms of legal action. To learn more about our services and receive a free consultation on your case, contact a representative of the Morris Bart law firm today.
Click to contact our Shreveport Car Accident Attorney today
Working with Morris Bart, LLC on Your Case
As legal proceedings may become confusing for some victims, the Morris Bart law firm wants you to know you are not alone during your fight for justice. If you retain a Shreveport injury attorney from our firm, we can provide legal services based on your unique circumstances.
Our services can include:
- Investigating the cause of your accident and working to show liability
- Gathering evidence to help assign a value to your case
- Assisting in settlement negotiations
- Handling proceedings with insurance companies
- Representing your case on trial
Our Firm Takes Cases on a Contingency-Fee Basis
Many car accident victims may hesitate to hire a lawyer, thinking their services are unaffordable. We understand that the last thing many injury victims want to do is shell out more money following an accident. That’s why we serve clients on a contingency-fee basis.
This means you would pay nothing up front or out of pocket. You would only pay if your lawyer is successful, and their fees would come from your earnings. If they are unsuccessful, your lawyer would not get paid. This way, there are no financial risks. The last thing you should worry about right now is how you’ll pay for legal help. With our firm in your corner, that’s not a concern.
Teen Driving Accident Lawyers Serving Victims in Shreveport
At the Morris Bart law firm, our attorneys serve accident victims from 15 locations across four states. Over the years, we have made it our goal to defend accident victims and fight back against acts of injustice. When it comes to representing your unique legal needs, our firm is happy to provide services from our office in Shreveport.
If you decide to retain a Shreveport teen driving accident lawyer from the Morris Bart law firm, we can handle all legal work in your case, so you can focus on your recovery.
Keep in mind that, per CC §3493.1, Louisiana assigns a general two-year statute of limitations to personal injury lawsuits. If this two-year time limit expires before you take legal action, you may be unable to recover compensation via a lawsuit from the offender in your case. To better understand your legal options and to receive your free consultation, contact a member of the Morris Bart law firm team today.
Questions?Call (318) 553-5470
to find a Morris Bart office near you.