It is difficult to predict the actions of an aggressive driver. Will they change lanes haphazardly? Will they speed abruptly? Or perhaps, yell obscenities at other motorists and pedestrians? While we may not be able to determine their every move behind the wheel, one thing is clear. An aggressive driver will engage in dangerous behaviors that may cause bodily harm or psychological distress to other people on the road.
As a victim of an aggressive driving accident, your injuries may be severe depending on the level of aggression you encountered. You need a Mandeville aggressive driving accident lawyer from the Morris Bart law firm in your corner. We will protect you and ensure that the at-fault driver will think twice before engaging in reckless behaviors in the future. Call us now at (504) 613-4771 to discuss your case for free.
The Definition of Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving refers to when a motorist operates a vehicle in a way that causes a car accident or increases the risk of an accident. Typically, the most common types of injuries sustained in an aggressive driving accident include traumatic brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, fractured bones, cuts and lacerations, and amputations. Due to the severity of this unlawful behavior, some states have specified penalties in their statutes.
Types of Aggressive Driving Crashes
Aggressive behavior is not just limited to aggressive driving. Aggressive behavior behind the wheel spans across a variety of actions. However, the most common actions that lead to significant injuries, and sometimes wrongful death, include:
- Speeding: This behavior is the aggressive driver’s number one action, and therefore one of the leading causes of auto accident fatalities. While driving fast to get to work on time may not be enough to cause any injuries, moving 10 miles per hour above the speed limit definitely may.
- Tailgating: For multiple reasons, including intimidation, aggressive drivers are known to follow other vehicles too closely. When this happens, other motorists do not have enough time to react when the vehicle in front of them stops abruptly. This may result in a chain reaction, leading to more injuries and fatalities.
- Fast lane changes: While the rules of the road exist for a reason, aggressive drivers are likely to ignore them. Changing lanes haphazardly, continuously, and without signaling properly can harm other motorists, passengers, and pedestrians.
- Ignoring traffic signals: This common behavior leads to aggressive driving accidents. Here, the at-fault driver fails in their duty of care to obey traffic signals. This decision may include blowing past red lights, disregarding right-of-way for pedestrians, and speeding at pedestrian crossings.
- Other aggressive behaviors: These behaviors may include purposefully slowing down or speeding to get a reaction from other motorists, racing other drivers, weaving through traffic, slamming on brakes abruptly, blocking vehicles with the-right-of-way, ignoring pedestrians and bicyclists, and passing illegally.
For a free legal consultation with a Aggressive Driving Accident lawyer serving Mandeville, call 800-537-8185
Immediate Steps to Take After an Aggressive Driving Accident
When involved in a collision with an aggressive driver, chances are you may sustain serious injuries. Immediately after the accident, we recommend that you take the following steps.
- Seek medical attention: It is necessary to visit the doctor for a thorough examination. While some injuries are obvious, others do not manifest until later. Therefore, it is essential to stay on top of your health.
- Report the accident: If you call the police, you will likely receive medical attention at the scene. No matter how you are feeling, make sure to not leave the scene of the accident until the police arrive. Remember to file an accident report and, if possible, ask for a copy.
- Photograph all identification cards (IDs): While it is unlikely that an aggressive driver will stick around after the accident, you should make an effort to photograph the ID of all parties, including witnesses, passengers, and other pedestrians. Remember to also take their registration and insurance information, too.
- Photograph the scene: Depending on your health after the accident, you should take pictures of the scene of the accident. By preserving the scene, your lawyer will have an accurate idea of the injury you suffered.
- Hire a Mandeville aggressive driving accident lawyer: To do this, call the Morris Bart law firm at (504) 613-4771 and discuss your case for free with a member of our team. We will listen and provide effective ways to move forward after your car accident.
If you were unable to take the aforementioned steps, do not worry. Once hired, a Mandeville aggressive driving accident lawyer will take all the necessary steps to protect your legal rights and recover damages.
What Not to do After an Aggressive Driving Accident
We understand that due to being disoriented or upset, you may say or exhibit behaviors that could jeopardize your case. Regardless of how you are feeling, do not:
- Exchange words with the at-fault driver
- Apologize for the accident or say it is your fault
- Sign any forms or give any recorded statement to insurance companies
- Sign any medical release forms
- Talk about your injuries (if you are injured, call 911)
- Accept money or sign any document given by the at-fault driver
Wait until you talk with a Mandeville aggressive driving accident lawyer to determine your legal options.
Hiring Morris Bart, LLC
Once we come on board, we will investigate the accident and file a personal injury lawsuit against the liable party. Our claim will detail your injuries and damages you accrued as a result of the at-fault party breaching their duty of care. Our goal at the end of the day is to settle and receive monetary compensation for your damages. The compensation may cover lost wages, medical bills, emotional distress, and pain and suffering. However, if the at-fault party’s insurance company refuses to agree on an equitable amount, we will be prepared to take the case to trial. To learn more about our tried and tested defense strategies, call us right now at (504) 613-4771 for a free case evaluation.
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