When a motorist drives aggressively, there can be a lot going through their mind. What is not on their mind, however, is the safety of others. Even simple acts like speeding up to pass a slower car can result in tragedy. It is important that all drivers obey the laws of the road so that their fellow motorists can arrive at their locations safely. Unfortunately, aggressive driving accident victims are injured every year by impatient, intoxicated, and negligent drivers.
Here at the Morris Bart law firm, our team of attorneys wants to show aggressive drivers that their actions will not go unnoticed. When a person is injured after an aggressive driver invades their space, they can be scarred forever, both mentally and physically. That is why we continue to fight to protect our client’s right to compensation. The damages awarded to you can help remedy your overall pain and suffering, including making payments toward medical care, repairing vehicle damages, dealing with your psychological health after the accident, and more.
No matter what kind of injuries you have suffered, a Gretna aggressive driving accident lawyer can help you continue your fight for compensation. Perhaps the most unfortunate part of these accidents is that a driver let their emotions get the best of them, and another person suffered injuries in the process. No matter how remorseful an aggressive driver may be for the injuries they have caused, that remorse will not help pay the bills while trying to get back to normal. Our Gretna aggressive driving accident attorneys would like to talk to you today, simply call (800) 537-8185 for your free consultation.
Types of Injuries Associated With Aggressive Driving
Aggressive driving accidents are inherently more dangerous than some other forms of car accidents because the aggressors are more likely to be making irresponsible choices.
Behaviors involved in these types of accidents can include:
- Speeding
- Following too closely
- Making illegal passes
- Honking your horn too much
- Moving in and out of lanes or driving on the side of the road during periods of congestion
- Showing offensive gestures
- Failing to yield
- Running red lights
- And more
While aggressive driving cannot be boiled down to one specific action, accidents will be examined on a case by case basis to determine the circumstances that caused the event to take place. Here at the Morris Bart law firm, we have seen numerous aggressive driving cases, and we have worked with countless clients to give them legal representation. By doing our part to protect your right to compensation, we like to think that we are making our communities a little better—one case at a time. Call today at (800) 537-8185 to find out how a Gretna aggressive driving accident lawyer can help. The sooner you call, the sooner we can begin your free consultation.
For a free legal consultation with a Aggressive Driving Accident lawyer serving Gretna, call 800-537-8185
Legal Proceedings Regarding Aggressive Driving
Aggressive drivers may be required to pay out sums to their victims when their own negligence causes harm. While injuries associated with these types of claims can vary wildly, they can end up being lifelong afflictions. In a perfect world, victims should not have to pay for their own care when hurt at the hands of another careless individual.
The types of injuries commonly associated with aggressive driving can include, but are not limited to:
- Whiplash due to drivers following too closely and rear-ending victims
- Injuries from being broadsided at intersections, such as broken bones, neck injuries, traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and more
- Tissue damage from slamming body parts against the interior of the car after the initial impact
- Facial fractures, cuts, scrapes, or disfigurements caused by airbag deployment
- Internal injuries from the car flipping after being struck, which can happen when cars try to illegally pass their fellow motorists
- Head-on collisions due to reckless driving practices, resulting in serious injuries and wrongful death cases
- And more
A driver does not even have to be driving very aggressively for the whole event to turn deadly in an instant. One wrong move on a roadway, especially when driving at high speeds, can cause an accident that will haunt a driver for the rest of their life. If drivers simply learned to think about the bigger picture, many of these cases may not occur in the first place—saving countless families the heartache of having to see their loved ones in the emergency room.
When pursuing legal action, it is important to note that the Louisiana law has a one-year statute on personal injury claims. This statute, Civil Code Article 3492, begins when the accident first occurs and you sustained your injuries. If you wait too long and that one-year timeframe passes, your right to compensation may end, and you may be left with the full amount of your losses.
Choosing a Gretna Aggressive Driving Accident Lawyer
The Gretna aggressive driving accident lawyers at the Morris Bart law firm would love to represent your case and guide you through the legal process. We want our clients to have their lives back, and aggressive drivers take that away from people every day in the state of Louisiana. If you can receive compensation for your claim, perhaps it will act as a small warning to other drivers. If drivers would stop and think about their actions, then these cases would never have to be brought to court in the first place.
To find out more about exactly what we do here at the Morris Bart law firm give us a call at (800) 537-8185. During your free consultation, we can help break down the legal process and explain your options to you. Our Gretna aggressive driving accident attorneys are on our client’s side, no matter what.
Questions?Call 800-537-8185
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