Because of their enormous size and weight, limousines can cause serious injuries for the drivers and passengers in any other vehicles involved in an accident. These accidents can also result in serious or fatal injuries for the passengers in the limo itself.
If you or someone you love has been hurt or killed in an accident involving a negligent limousine driver or company, you have the right to hold them responsible for their actions. A Birmingham limousine accident lawyer can listen to the details of your case and determine if you have a personal injury claim.
At the Morris Bart law firm, we work on a contingency fee basis only, which means we only are paid if we successfully settle or win your case. We never ask for any money upfront or out of pocket from our clients.
For a free, no-risk review of your Birmingham limousine accident claim, contact the Morris Bart law firm today at (205) 380-4158.
Causes of Limousine Accidents
There are a number of factors that can contribute to an accident with a limousine, including:
- Drowsy driving: Commercial drivers, particularly those who work the night shift, are among those most likely to experience drowsy driving. When drivers operate a vehicle while drowsy, they are unable to pay as much attention to the road, have a slower reaction time if they need to suddenly brake or react and they aren’t able to make fast decisions the way they would if they were rested, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
- Distracted driving: Distracted driving is a major problem across the U.S. for all drivers. The CDC reports that approximately 9 people are killed a day due to distracted driving. Texting and driving, though, is the most dangerous, as it takes the driver’s hands off the wheel, eyes off the road, and focus off their driving.
- Driving under the influence: Limo drivers who operate cars under the influence of alcohol are a risk to themselves and to others. When a driver has a blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) over 0.08%, the legal limit, they experience impaired perception, have difficulty focusing on their driving, and have a harder time processing information properly.
- Maintenance problem: It is critical that limousine companies properly maintain their vehicles. When brakes are neglected, or tires become thin and bare, serious and sometimes deadly accidents can occur.
For a free legal consultation with a Limousine Accident lawyer serving Birmingham, call 800-537-8185
Injuries that Can Occur in a Birmingham Limousine Accident
There are a wide variety of injuries that can occur because of a limousine accident. Some of them include:
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs): TBIs occur when someone experiences a blow or jolt to the head. They are a major cause of death and disability in the U.S. and can impair cognitive function and memory, and change the victim’s personality.
- Spinal cord injuries: The spinal cord relays messages from the brain to other parts of the body, which is why damage to the spinal cord can lead to a loss of sensation or mobility in the limbs. Many people who have this type of injury require wheelchairs and other assistive devices.
- Broken bones: Broken bones are common and, fortunately, usually heal without complications after medical treatment. In some cases, however, complications can occur. The bone may break through the skin and cause severe bleeding and infection, or the victim, if a child, may experience uneven bone growth.
- Knee injuries: Knee ligament injuries are common in car accidents. Though these injuries are treatable, they can be extremely painful and often require surgical treatment.
- Internal bleeding: Internal bleeding is a symptom of another injury but can rapidly become life-threatening if left untreated. Severe hemorrhaging can lead to external bleeding, seizures, coma, and even death.
If you or someone you love has been hurt in a Birmingham limousine accident, you have the right to hold the at-fault driver responsible for their behavior. Contact the Morris Bart law firm today at (205) 380-4158 for a free case review.
How the Statute of Limitations May Impact Your Case
Every state places a limit on the amount of time that someone has to pursue legal recourse after a personal injury accident. Alabama Code §6-2-38 sets the statute of limitations at two years. That means, if you do not file your claim within two years of the date of the accident, you will likely be unable to recover any type of compensation for your injuries.
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Damages You Might Recover After a Birmingham Limousine Accident
While we cannot estimate your exact damages without first examining the details of your case, we can share with you some of the more common types of damages that victims recover in cases like yours. They include:
- Medical costs
- Lost wages
- Future wages if you cannot return to work
- Property damages
- Disfigurement or dismemberment
- Out-of-pocket expenses
- Pain and suffering
If your loved one died as a result of the seriousness of their injuries, your family may be able to recover damages through a wrongful death lawsuit. These damages may include:
- Funeral and burial costs
- Out-of-pocket costs associated with the care of the victim prior to their death
- Wages and benefits previously provided by the deceased
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of consortium
- Loss of support and protection
How a Birmingham Limousine Accident Lawyer Can Help
We know that sometimes it can be difficult to determine liability in these cases. We also understand how laws like contributory negligence can impact your case. However, we do not shy away from tough cases. If necessary, we may work with accident scene reconstruction experts to determine liability in your accident. That can help our Birmingham limousine accident lawyers build a strong case and pursue compensation to the fullest extent of your injuries. We also will not hesitate to take your claim to court if we believe that it can help us reach a fair settlement. To speak with a member of our team and take advantage of our free, no-risk consultation, contact the Morris Bart law firm today at (205) 380-4158.
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