Traffic signals are designed to keep commuters safe and orderly on the road. If you were involved in an accident with a driver who failed to obey a traffic signal in Birmingham, you may be eligible for substantial compensation based on the facts of your case. A Birmingham failure to obey traffic signals lawyer may be able to hold the driver whose failure to obey traffic signals that resulted in your accident responsible.
At the Morris Bart law firm, we fight for victims’ rights, taking on the insurance companies and helping our clients collect the compensation they deserve. Our Birmingham car accident attorneys offer a free case evaluation and there are no upfront, out-of-pocket costs for Birmingham car accident victims unless we secure a fair settlement on your behalf.
To receive a free consultation with a member of the Morris Bart law firm team today, call us at (205) 380-4158.
Failure to Obey Traffic Signals in Birmingham, Alabama
Traffic signals are designed to be big, bold, and impossible to miss. Even with these measures in place, though, drivers fail to obey traffic signs, ignoring some of the major keys to safety on Alabama roads. Sometimes it is due to a lapse in attention, other times, to a willful lack of care for the law and the safety of others.
Regardless of the reason, if the driver who hit you failed to obey a traffic signal, we will hold them accountable and work to build a strong case for compensation. We can take legal action against a driver who failed to obey any of the following traffic control devices and caused your accident:
Traffic Lights
Busy intersections are regulated by traffic lights designed to help traffic run smoothly. At big intersections, traffic lights often have special turn arrows for drivers making a left. If everyone follows the rules, even the biggest and busiest intersections are orderly and safe. But it only takes one driver running through a red light or trying to make a left turn in front of someone who has the right of way for disaster to occur.
If you were hit by a driver who disobeyed a traffic light, our team can collect evidence of their liability of injury in a vehicle accident to build a strong case on your behalf.
Stop Signs
If the driver who hit you failed to wait their turn at a three or four-way stop, made a rolling left or right turn in front of you, or simply blew through the stop sign, we may be able to hold them accountable. A Birmingham failure to obey traffic signals lawyer can work to secure a fair settlement against their insurance company.
Yield Signs
A yield sign means you do not have to stop, but you cannot proceed until traffic is clear. If someone failed to yield the right of way to you and that action caused your accident, we may be able to help you pursue compensation for damages depending on the facts of your case.
One Way and do Not Enter Signs
These are self-explanatory. If you were going the right way, and the other driver was going the wrong way, the accident is most likely their fault. We can pursue their insurance company for fair compensation on your behalf for damages that may recover losses for medical bills, lost wages, and more.
Flashing Red or Yellow
A flashing red light is the equivalent of a stop sign. Drivers must stop until the intersection is clear, at which point they can proceed. A flashing yellow light means you have the right of way but proceed with caution. We can take action against a driver who failed to obey a flashing signal, if that action caused your accident.
School Zones
If you or your child were injured in an accident because a driver failed to obey a traffic sign in a school zone, our attorneys can pursue a case against their insurance company.
For a free legal consultation with a Failure to Obey Traffic Signals Accident lawyer serving Birmingham, call 800-537-8185
Your Car Accident Compensation
The lawyers at the Morris Bart law firm can investigate the details of your case and pursue a fair settlement on your behalf. If the insurance company does not agree to compensate you fairly, we are prepared to take the case to court. You may be eligible for compensation for:
- Current and future medical bills
- Lost earnings
- Reduced earning capacity
- Pain and suffering and inconvenience
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Vehicle replacement or repair
- And more if you qualify
The Statute of Limitations
There is a two year statute of limitations in Alabama on car accidents. You should be careful not to let the statute expire, as you will lose the right to collect compensation, even if you have a strong claim. The Morris Bart law firm can file a quick lawsuit if needed to keep your case active. A Birmingham failure to obey traffic signals lawyer will let you know of any deadlines that apply to your case, and keep you informed as to your rights and obligations. Call us at (205) 380-4158 for a free consultation.
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Call a Birmingham Lawyer Today for a Free Case Evaluation
If you were injured by a driver who failed to obey a traffic signal, the Morris Bart law firm may be able to help you build a strong case for compensation. Call us today for a free consultation at (205) 380-4158. There are never any upfront fees for Birmingham car accident victims.
Questions?Call 800-537-8185
to find a Morris Bart office near you.