At an intersection where multiple vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians are meeting, one small mistake by a driver can lead to a significant crash with injuries. When turning left, drivers must cross in front of oncoming traffic while simultaneously watching for pedestrians in the far crosswalk. Even if the intersection has traffic control signals, people may still misunderstand, overlook, or ignore the signs and cause an accident.
For those who suffered an injury at an intersection, hiring a Biloxi left-turn accident lawyer can help you understand your legal options and may be able to pursue compensation. If you qualify, the Morris Bart law office can represent you in negotiations with the negligent driver’s insurance company and court if a trial is necessary.
Contact us at (228) 357-9621 for a free case review today.
The Dangers of Left-Turn Accidents
According to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), more than 20 deaths occur in crashes at intersections in the United States every day. Not all of these deaths are attributed to left turns, but a number of them are.
Some reasons why left turns result in more accidents than other types of turns include:
- Crossing oncoming traffic: As you make a left turn, you will be crossing one or more traffic lanes with vehicles coming toward you, increasing the chances of a side-impact accident.
- Violating right of way: The person turning left has the right of way when a traffic light gives them the signal to turn. A reckless driver may ignore this signal.
- Beating the light: A driver who is making a left turn at a stoplight may be rushing to try to beat the traffic light after it turns yellow, increasing the chances of a crash.
- Pedestrians: A driver turning left may be looking at the stoplight or oncoming traffic rather than looking at the road ahead. He or she may not see a pedestrian who has the right of way in the crosswalk until it is too late to stop.
- Left turns from center lanes: When turning left on a multi-lane road with a center lane, the driver may drive for a while in the center lane designated for turning traffic. This behavior can cause an accident.
For a free legal consultation with a Left-Turn Accident lawyer serving Biloxi, call (228) 357-9621
Understanding Local Laws
Mississippi Code Annotated §63-3-803 provides a few different laws dealing with left-hand turns. However, those state laws may be overridden by local regulations. A lawyer can explain which local and state laws could apply to your case.
Some intersections have special signage instructing drivers who are making left-hand turns, and the turning rules may differ from intersection to intersection. Drivers who violate the rules and cause accidents may be held liable for their actions.
Remember that you have a limited amount of time to file a personal injury lawsuit in the state of Mississippi. According to Mississippi House Bill 1257 §15-1-49, you have up to three years to do so. If you fail to meet this deadline, you may forfeit your right to pursue legal action. For this reason, we recommend speaking with a lawyer as soon as possible. Your lawyer can help ensure that you meet any applicable deadlines to process your claim.
To hold those drivers responsible, you may want to hire a Biloxi left-turn accident lawyer. At the Morris Bart law office, we take pride in defending the rights of victims who suffer because of the negligence of other drivers. If we feel your case qualifies, we will fight to help you receive a fair settlement.
For a free consultation, call us at (228) 357-9621 today.
Determining Liability in a Left-Turn Accident
When someone hits your car and causes injuries in a left-hand turn accident, you may assume that the other driver will be found liable. However, the other driver’s insurance company may try to claim that your actions played a role in the crash. You may be sure that you did not do anything wrong, but the insurance adjuster could press you for information about the crash and your potential role.
Your attorney can study the facts in the case to show that you did not do anything wrong, which means you should be eligible to receive the full settlement amount you are seeking. Your attorney can also handle any communication with the insurance adjuster for you. If you made a left-hand turn and someone else’s mistake led to the crash, you could have the ability to win compensation in a personal injury claim.
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A Lawyer Can Help You Pursue Your Claim
Accidents can be extremely frustrating situations for the victims. Not only are you having to deal with injuries and with the possibility of missing work, but you have the stress of not knowing whether your long-term health outlook will allow you to return to your previous quality of life.
Having a Biloxi left-turn accident lawyer on your side can give you more time to focus on your recovery. This service hopefully can alleviate some of your stress. If your case qualifies, we will take over negotiations with the insurance company for the driver who caused the accident, working hard on your behalf to help you receive a settlement that truly reflects your long term outlook.
Call the Morris Bart law office as soon as possible at (228) 357-9621 for a free consultation. We understand how insurance companies attempt to treat victims in car accidents, and we know how to counteract some of those efforts to help our clients receive the fairest possible treatment.
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