When you are involved in an accident with an out-of-state driver, you may be eligible for compensation for your injuries or losses.
Call Morris Bart at (225) 341-5694 for a consultation to review your options and legal rights. A Baton Rouge accident lawyer may be able to offer assistance.
You Have Rights Even When the At-Fault Driver Lives Out-of-State
You might have been hurt or lost a loved one because of an out-of-state driver’s negligent behavior. Though the at-fault motorist does not reside in Louisiana, seeking compensation for your injuries is still possible, and you have a right to hold them accountable. A lawyer in Baton Rouge can assist you with building a lawsuit against them.
Call Morris Bart at (225) 341-5694 to discuss your case for free. A Baton Rouge out-of-state driver accident lawyer can offer the support you need in your case, even if the at-fault driver has left Louisiana.
For a free legal consultation with a Out-of-State Driver Accident lawyer serving Baton Rouge, call (225) 341-5694
Evidence in Your Out-of-State Driver Accident Case
One of the first steps you should take after an accident is to seek medical attention. Seeing a doctor can allow you to obtain medical records related to your injuries and treatment, which will be important in your case. You can also ask your doctor for a letter describing the severity of your injuries to support your eligibility for damages.
You want to record how you were hurt clearly and the treatment your injuries require. If you wait to see a doctor, proving that your injuries occurred during the accident may be difficult. These records will also help you put a monetary value on your claim.
The police report is often another important piece of evidence. Since the at-fault driver does not live in Louisiana, you need a report that ties them to the accident. Without evidence, the at-fault driver may claim they were not involved.
Compensation You Can Recover from an Out-of-State Driver
Compensation options for your accident do not change because the at-fault driver lives out of state. The damages you qualify for will depend on the injuries and losses you experienced. You can discuss the types of compensation that may be available with your lawyer, including:
- Lost income
- Damaged property
- Medical costs
- Pain and suffering
Your Baton Rouge personal injury lawyer will examine your case to determine how much compensation is due. Some damages, like medical bills and vehicle repair costs, may be easier to add up. Others may require additional steps to arrive at a monetary value. Working with a lawyer can make this process easier.
Click to contact our Baton Rouge DUI Accident Lawyers today
Wrongful Death Lawsuits in Louisiana
If your loved one passed away in the accident, you might be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of their estate. Under state law, only certain family members qualify to do so, such as a spouse, child, parent, or dependent of the decedent. Monies awarded due to these lawsuits are typically divided among eligible parties and the estate.
Services a Baton Rouge Out-of-State Driver Accident Lawyer Can Provide
Consulting with a lawyer can be your first step toward recovering compensation. When you choose an attorney for your case, you can discuss your legal options and share information you may have gathered about the collision and your injuries. Your lawyer will then seek additional information to help them build the case.
Settlement Negotiations with the Out-of-State Driver
Once your case is ready, your attorney can attend settlement meetings and seek the best offer for your family. They can review each settlement offer you receive and compare it to the value of your damages. If you and your attorney feel the offer is appropriate, you can choose to settle. If not, you may need to go to trial to recover damages and move forward.
Speaking on Your Behalf
Working with a lawyer in Baton Rouge can take some of the legal responsibility off of you. Rather than communicating with the other parties involved yourself, your attorney can represent you. This service can include responding to letters you have received, returning phone calls, and investigating on your and your family’s behalf.
Call for a Consultation with Morris Bart Injury and Accident Lawyers
When you are hurt in an accident, consider hiring a Baton Rouge out-of-state driver accident lawyer to manage your case. Call Morris Bart at (225) 341-5694 for a free consultation. Even if the other driver has left the state, you may be entitled to seek compensation for your injuries or losses.
Questions?Call (225) 341-5694
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